

Plaga deuteri, superacutae, proslambanomenos, diatessaron...

And I don't speak Greek or Latin. But in the world of Dr. Herlinger's History of Theory I class, that doesn't much matter. I have learned what all of those words mean and, more importantly, how to use them for good instead of for evil. I have a test tomorrow, my first with this formidable test-giver, so pity me and remember me fondly when I have passed over to the other side.

I adore this class. Don't get me wrong. But studying for a test like this is a bit like learning to juggle knives while riding a motorcycle. Somehow, I feel like I'm going to miss something and that I'll end up paying for it later.

Quick, what's the harmonic mean between 21 and 28? Is 13:3 a multiple superparticular or a multiple superpartient ratio? What's the date of the English translation of the Dialogus de musica and who wrote it originally? Strangely, I can answer those questions as well (24, multiple superparticular, 1998, and that last one is a trick question: the Dialogus was spuriously attributed to Odo of Cluny, but it is now believed to have been written after his death by an unknown author, one of the unnumbered Anonymouses). And all of you reading this, except perhaps the lovely Jeannette, are wondering what in the world I'm doing with my life. The point of this post has escaped me... maybe I just felt like getting all that out so I could feel like I know something, however insignificant the knowledge may turn out to be in the long run.




Update for anyone who's checking: I got a 93 on the aforementioned test. Go me!
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