

In the library

If I've ever blogged from the library in the past, it's been when I was trying to waste time or trying to clear my head before doing more research. Today, I'm doing a bit of the latter. I got some great work accomplished this morning on my Fauré bibliography, this week's research project, and I'm about to delve into more online databases to get a better feel of what's out there that I haven't yet explored. I needed some lunch first, though, so I'm currently eating an interesting panini from the library coffee shop. It claims to be a BLT with brie, though the brie is kind of scarce and the bacon is kind of wimpy. I like crispy bacon, not the wimpy stuff. It tastes decent, though, and it's doing the job of feeding me and my fetus.

Speaking of the fetus... we put together our crib last night! It was delivered just minutes before I left for the retreat, and Jack got so much done over the weekend (4 of the 17 points!!) that we actually had space in the baby's room to open the box and put the thing together. It's gorgeous. I'll take a picture as soon as we get rid of the surrounding cardboard and styrofoam, because I'm just so HAPPY with my choice of crib from Target. I'm so glad that I spent the time I did researching so many different cribs before picking one, and it helped so much to have several people's detailed horror stories with cribs that I might otherwise have been drawn to. Well-written reviews are the online shopper's best friend.

The changing table is supposed to come today, so after I feel that I've accomplished a bit more with M. Fauré, I'll head home so that the UPS guy will have someone to give the box to. He usually leaves us a dumb tag instead of our box if we're not there, even though we have enormous bushes next to our front door behind which to hide packages, and the FedEx guy brings stuff to the back door to hide it even better. Oh well. I suppose it's better than having a box stolen from us, but it's hard to imagine someone walking off with a heavy box of furniture pieces when no one has ever even picked up a little box from Amazon.

I'm in a great mood today, and I think my renewed productivity in Dissertation Land has a great deal to do with the renewal I experienced at the retreat. Whatever is in the air during the women's retreat needs to be bottled, because it's amazingly effective at reminding me why to be happy with myself and how to help myself through difficulties. No activities in particular did that to me — it's just something about being around all those strong women, with their funny and wonderful baby stories they were eager to share, their frankness about their own perceived shortcomings, and the richness of their diverse life experiences and choices that I find inspiring.

Okay, back to my panini and my apple juice. Life is good.

UPDATE: We got a dumb tag. I'll try to catch him tomorrow or Wednesday.

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Library COFFEE SHOP!?!??!? Geez, I'm gone a year and coffee starts springing up all over the place.

I'm glad the retreat was good. I sure could use a wide open space. :-D

And..hey...Brown RULZ Fedex Droolz! 'kay!?
LOL - your sandwich "claims" to be brie. Like it's making a verbal defense for itself, "no really, I'm brie, I promise, please eat me!" :-) (and it shouldn't be talking anyway, it is in the library!!) ROTFL.

Post pictures of the crib (and completed points of the 17-point plan) when you can! I too love online reviews (though I have no need for crib ones, of course). I've rarely reciprocated and reviewed something I bought, though maybe I should start.

It's good to hear that you feel renewed. Ups and downs are inevitable, but feeling truly "up" and inspired is the best.

P.S. ciwtnwa! :-D
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